


An effective, participatory method

Our method is based on a communicative-situational approach that aims to acquire communicative competence through the promotion of four basic skills simultaneously (the ability to listen, speak, read, and write in order to understand and be understood), as outlined by the Council of Europe in the Common European Framework of Reference.

The small classes are limited to 3-8 people, to allow for active participation by all students and to encourage a peaceful, relaxed atmosphere.

The students will participate actively, creating a welcoming, informal and relaxed atmosphere. Our goal is to teach the living, up-to-date language and to spread Italian culture through role-playing and dramatization activities, discussions on current topics and films, analysis of literary texts and newspaper articles, and listening to songs. In order to put into practice what has been learned in the classroom, lessons include interviews with Reggio’s inhabitants and excursions to the market, local shops, travel agencies, museums and other locations.

Levels of knowledge

Students will be given a test upon arrival to assess the student’s knowledge of Italian in order to form homogeneous classes.

  1. Beginner Italian (A1): for beginning Italian students with no previous knowledge of the language. Aim: to be able to use Italian in simple, everyday living situations.
  2. Elementary Italian (A2): for students who already have a beginner level of Italian grammar structures. Aim: to be able to express oneself in different contexts through a deeper understanding of grammar and vocabulary.
  3. Intermediate level (B1 - B2): for those students who have a good vocabulary base and a good knowledge of the language’s structure. Aim: to be able to have a fluent, correct conversation in order to properly express an opinion on current topics.
  4. Advanced level (C1 - C2): for those students who have already mastered Italian but wish to express themselves in a more correct and suitable fashion. Particular attention will be given to written expression and to different aspects of the language according to the student’s interests.
During the course the student’s progress will be monitored using various assessments, culminating with a final exam. A certificate of participation is issued upon completion of each course.