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Corso homestay da Mariagrazia a Reggio Emilia

Thank you for a first-class language experience! My homestay with Maria Grazia was the highlight of my time in Italy. Maria Grazia is the ideal teacher, knowledgeable and encouraging, with a great store of methods and materials and vigilant attention to my needs as a student. She constantly guided me forward with high expectations and warm support. And I couldn’t have had better homestay hosts than Maria Grazia and Franco, who made me feel part of the household. I shared their table (one culinary delight after another!), went with them on outings, and met their family and friends - all in my budding Italian.
Special thanks also to Corrado, who spent a day with me visiting Reggio Children, which I’d wanted to see, and enjoying a hearty lunch.
I’m already thinking about my next time at Reggio Lingua.
Grazie ed arrivederci !

Robert M.L.